RAdam Rectified Adam


The state of the art Rectified Adam optimizer took the community by storm!

Currently SGD with momentum is used to get the highest accuracy. Now, RAdam can be used instead!

Essentially for the first 5 or so iterations, RAdam tries to correct for variance in the updates.


https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.03265.pdf [On the Variance of the Adaptive Learning Rate and Beyond (2019)]

https://github.com/LiyuanLucasLiu/RAdam/issues/54 [RAdam Instability vs AdamW / Adam (2020)]







RAdam with weight decay (ie RAdamW) attains much lower errors than plain AdamW.

However, in the Bag of Tricks chapter, I said that RAdam was very unstable when data is not standardized.

The authors say this is due to SGD with Momentum going haywire. Their fix is to NOT update the parameters

for 5 iterations, and then update.






Sadly, the fix works, yes. However, the final error attained seems to be mostly always higher.

Rather my heuristic to use RAdamW with no degenerated SGDM is by checking 1 batch’s statistics.

Ie, we check that the second moment is always generally LESS than the first moment.


So, if the norm(first moment) / mean(second moment) exceeds 1, then use RAdamW. Otherwise,

use degenerated RAdamW.





Its clear above that when the ratio is awfully close to 1, the loss starts diverging.

Likewise, we see when the ratio < 0.5, then everything seems reasonable.

So our heuristic to use RAdamW is when:




Notice the above heuristic also works to check if SGD with Momentum can be used or not.


(c) Copyright Protected: Daniel Han-Chen 2020

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